About this Blog

This is my first dedicated blog undertaking and I'm excited for where it will take me. I am a lover of learning and what better way to learn than through books. I also have an affinity for being taken into a different world through reading, which is why I adore fiction. And if I am having a day where I wish I was somewhere else I simply pick up a travel memoir and pretend. I'm thrilled to be able to share with you my journey through the bookstores and how each work shapes me.

Almost a year ago I picked up my first adult book... a non-fiction, travel memoir actually. Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert was the one, and I am sure many of you have read it. No, I didn't read it because I saw the movie. I actually saw the movie after and was sorely disappointed. But that book marked the beginning of a new era for me and I have spent countless hours searching for the next book to read. Now my list has gotten so long that I wonder if I will ever read them all!

To me, books are about two things: knowledge and enjoyment. So that is what I'm seeking over this next year. I want to add new elements to my life via reading. I also want to compile a list of my 20 favorite books, both fiction and non-fiction, which is something I have never really been able to do since I had never read anything besides typical children's books. This list will change and transform as I continue through the year, but at the end I hope to have a solid list of which books moved me the most. I'm excited to see which ones they turn out to be.

I hope you enjoy reading these posts as I read through my list and experience new authors for the first time. May you renew your love for books and discover new favorites along with me. Please interject with your own suggestions and personal discoveries!